About Me

    My name is Andrea your High Priestess of House Of Night Online. I started this site mainly because I wanted to do something for the fans to let them be apart of the House Of Night. I'm 18 years old and a senior in high school. I basically enjoy reading, texting, hanging out, being on the computer, and playing any game systems. I enjoy the house of night series as much as any one of you out there who read them. I'm like any normal teenage girl going after good books.

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Our users

    A user of the site can post up blogs about certain things or answer polls that may be located on some of the pages. It even helps to get to know others around the country to basically become friends or even enemies, but I want it to be something that will make people who want to be part of the book to feel better instead of getting information from the author's fansite.

History of project

    I made this site for people to become part of the House Of Night members, but instead of actually going you would become one online. I made it so people can talk to each other like everyone did in the books. I am including to add information about the books and about each of Zoey and her friends.